
Koppoujutsu Chuuden

Koppoujutsu (骨法術) is an ancient form of armed and unarmed combat which focuses on striking bones and skeletal structure to break and knock down the opponent. Koppoujutsu shoden is a foundational module that teaches the basic principles and concepts of koppoujutsu.

The fundamentals of koppoujutsu are split into three levels; shoden, chuuden and jouden or beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Koppoujutsu chuuden is made up of 18 forms split into three categories, capturing [torite] (捕手), throwing techniques [nagewaza] (投技), and concepts [gainen] (概念).These three areas are called Koppou Roppou Torite, Koppou Roppou Nagewaza and Koppou Roppou Gainen respectively.

These forms are designed to reinforce muscle memory and practice good martial habits.

Koppoujutsu Chuuden Torite - 骨法術中伝捕手

Torite (捕手) are basic grabbing techniques to set the opponent up for a strike or throw.

[一] Eri Dori - 襟捕 (Lapel Capture): Shift across with sokushin sokuhou (cross step) while grabbing the lapel. Pull the opponent in with the drop and shift them across when opening out of sokushin sokuhou.

[二] Hiji Dori - 肘捕 (Elbow Capture): Shift across with sokushin sokuhou (cross step) while grabbing the elbow. Pull the opponent in with the drop and shift them across when opening out of sokushin sokuhou.

[三] Erihiji Dori - 襟肘捕 (Lapel and Elbow Capture): Shift across with sokushin sokuhou (cross step) while grabbing the lapel and elbow. Pull the opponent in with the drop and shift them across when opening out of sokushin sokuhou.

[四] Tekubi Dori - 手首捕 (Wrist Capture): Shift across with sokushin sokuhou (cross step) while grabbing the inside of the wrist and/or the lapel. Pull the opponent in with the drop while pulling the wrist down to the hip and shift them across when opening out of sokushin sokuhou.

[五] Ryoute Eri Dori - 両手襟捕 (Double Lapel Capture): Shift across with sokushin sokuhou (cross step) while grabbing both lapels. Pull the opponent in with the drop and shift them across when opening out of sokushin sokuhou.

[六] Ryoute Mune Dori - 両手胸捕 (Double Chest Capture): Shift across with sokushin sokuhou (cross step) while grabbing the inside right lapel and lower left lapel. Pull the opponent in and choke with the drop and then shift them across when opening out of sokushin sokuhou.
Torite are critical for capturing or locking down the opponent. These techniques are designed to counter a draw for a weapon or concealed weapon. The torite techniques also allow the drawing of concealed weapons, while the opponent is off balance.

Koppoujutsu Chuuden Nagewaza - 骨法術中伝投技

Nagewaza (投技) refers six basic techniques (waza) [技] that teach the fundamentals of throwing an opponent. These nagewaza are the basic throwing forms of Koppoujutsu and form the foundation of structure and balance.

[一] Omote Nage - 表投 (Front Throw): The opponent grabs the right lapel and the left sleeve. Matching kamae, sokushin sokuhou with the left leg behind while moving the left hand inside the opponent's lapel grip, palm to wrist. Twist the arm to the outside and step threw to throw. Same for hidari waza.

[二] Ura Nage - 裏投 (Rear Throw): The opponent grabs the right lapel and the left sleeve. Matching kamae, sokushin sokuhou with the right leg behind while moving the right hand onto the opponent's lapel grip, palm to wrist. Twist the arm to the inside, while pushing on the elbow and step threw to throw. Same for hidari waza.

[三] Omote Seoi Nage - 表背負投 (Front Shoulder Throw): The opponent grabs the right lapel and the left sleeve. Matching kamae, sokushin sokuhou with the left leg behind while moving the left hand inside the opponent's lapel grip, palm to wrist. Twist the arm to the outside and use the right arm to lock it. Step threw to break the arm and throw. Same for hidari waza.

[四] Ura Seoi Nage - 裏背負投 (Rear Shoulder Throw): The opponent grabs the right lapel and the left sleeve. Matching kamae, sokushin sokuhou with the right leg behind while moving the right hand onto the opponent's lapel grip, palm to wrist. Twist the arm to the inside and use the left arm to lock it. Step threw to break the arm and throw. Same for hidari waza.

[五] Omote Koshi Nage - 表腰投 (Front Hip Throw): The opponent grabs the right lapel and the left sleeve. Matching kamae, sokushin sokuhou with the left leg behind while moving the left hand inside the opponent's lapel grip, palm to wrist. Twist the arm to the outside and wrap the arm around the opponent's hip. Step threw to throw. Same for hidari waza.

[六] Ura Koshi Nage - 裏腰投 (Rear Hip Throw): The opponent grabs the right lapel and the left sleeve. Matching kamae, sokushin sokuhou with the right leg behind while moving the right hand onto the opponent's lapel grip, palm to wrist. Twist the arm to the inside and wrap the arm around the opponent's hip. Step threw to throw. Same for hidari waza.

Koppoujutsu nagewaza teach the basic throwing methods of the Tiger Felling School (Koto Ryuu). Embedded within the koppoujutsu nagewaza are mechanical concepts of locking the body and joints to throw, while breaking the structure.

Koppoujutsu Chuuden Gainen - 骨法中伝概念

Gainen (概念) are general concepts hidden within the techniques of koppoujutsu. The idea of gainen are to teach the basic tactics of the style in very simple kata. The gainen of koppoujutsu are an extension of torite, daken and nagewaza with an encrypted lesson.

[一] Eri Dori Gainen - 襟捕概念 (Lapel Capture Counter): The opponent gets the chest with the lead hand. From hokou no kamae, grab the wrist with the hand from the opposite side, thumb uppermost, while stepping with sokushin sokuhou using the rear leg and thrusting into the hoshi (armpit) with the lead arm using niouken. Step and throw with ura seoi nage. Same for migi and hidari.

[二] Hiji Dori Gainen - 肘捕概念 (Elbow Capture Counter): The opponent gets the elbow. From shizen no kamae, sokushin sokuhou with the rear leg (elbow grab) and strike with shikan ken into the jakkin, then follow up with a kick to suzu with hagiken. Same for the migi and hidari.

[三] Erihiji Dori Gainen - 襟肘捕概念 (Lapel and Elbow Capture Counter): The opponent gets the chest and the elbow. From hokou no kamae, happa into the face with the lead hand (elbow grab) while stepping, sokushin sokuhou and then kick up to the suzu with hagiken. Same for migi and hidari.

[四] Tekubi Dori Gainen - 手首捕概念 (Wrist Capture Counter): From shizen no kamae, shift to sukimi no kamae and strike to the kasumi with koppou ken. Same for migi and hidari.

[五] Ryoute Eri Dori Gainen - 両手襟捕概念 (Double Lapel Capture Counter): From shizen no kamae, transition to hokou no kamae then sokushin sokuhou and strike down with niouken to both the opponents wrists. Kick up to the solar plexus hagiken. Same for the migi and hidari.

[六] Ryoute Mune Dori Gainen - 両手胸捕概念 (Double Chest Capture Counter): Cover the opponent's lead hand (top hand) with your lead hand, sokushin sokuhou applying a gyaku to that hand, while striking the opponent's kasumi with koppou ken, and knocking them down. Same for the migi and hidari.
Gainen reinforce the basic concepts and ideas of Koppoujutsu Chuuden and provide a framework for close combat grappling utilising striking, throwing and breaking the posture.